Structural analysis at atomic and near atomic resolution of biomolecules, organelles, viruses and cells requires high quality sample preparation and characterization pre, post and even during the experiment. The Sample Environment and Characterization (SEC) group at the European XFEL work closely with visiting users to provide and optimize delivery samples to the beam for high throughput high rate data measurements. The multidisciplinary SEC team supports a variety of sample types within bio-, chemistry and physics laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technologies providing complementary information on the samples being studied with the FEL pulses [1]. Highly interactive pipelines supported by dedicated onsite expertise enables streamlined access to methods which otherwise might not be accessible to the users. The SEC group supports a number of methods for sample delivery compatible with the unique MHz repetition rate of the European XFEL [2-5]. Protein Crystal Screening (PCS) beamtimes are available as part of the regular proposal calls and provides easier access as an initial step into XFEL research which includes sample characterization and testing of high-speed MHz rate compatible delivery.